Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is worth a “King”

We have been struggling with our “picky eater”.  I really didn’t knew what else to do for my older to at least try something new.  For a long while, he only wanted his P.B. & honey and apples.  That was all he wanted for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  I decided to do something about it.  I cut down all the crap snacks and milk.  No more snacks or milk until he had at least one decent meal daily. 

Meanwhile, he also wanted that car from Disney “King”, which by the way cannot be found in any toy store anywhere.  It’s so pricey and it is for sale only on the Internet.
We came up with this idea of telling him that if he would eat his food (anything that we put it on his plate), we would give him the “King” within a month.  As if he understands anything about time. 

On the other hand, we also use a suggestion from a friend saying to him “You will not leave this table until you eat the food”.  My husband and I really meant that.  One day he sat on the table with his dinner (rice and beans). He refused to eat his beans and he sat there for over three hours.  My husband and I didn’t back up this time. 
    “You either eat the food or you will not leave this table”. 

We were at war.  We left the table.  Played with our younger, bathed him.  We also told our older one that he would be excused to take a bath.  He had a bath and went back to the table with his pj’s and dinner.  I think he realized that we were not kidding about that, and he would stay there if he didn’t eat.  That smart little kid decided to give up and started to eat the food.  He ate everything! We were amazed how hard and easy it was.  War!

Since that day on, he is eating new foods. He is even saying phrases like, “Yummy”, “Delicious”,  “I like spaghetti!” and of course "If I eat everything, I'll get the "king".
Attaboy Son! We are SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

I don’t know how did worked.  That so terrified day. The promise.  Maybe he is growing older and leaving those picky eaters days behind.  The prayers.  Anyway, the matter of fact is that he is eating. 

I guess that so dreamed “King” it is worth something more than his price, right? 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

When the glass breaks

My lovely husband woke me up with a sweet kiss and a phrase, “Honey, I accidentally broke the glass and I can’t clean up because I don’t want to wake the kids up”.

“Really? Are you sure I am the one who will have to clean up the mess? Oh Jeez!

You know those days when you are not expecting any change on your routine, but all of he sudden your water glass breaks?  In a matter of seconds, whatever that you were planning went down the toilet and it’s time to clean up.

Since the glass broke near by the refrigerator and stove, I’ve decided to move them to clean up under both.  Then I remembered that a while back I have moved the stove and there were this huge hole behind it.  Plus an awful electric plug wiring, which was standing out of the wall.  Plus the disgusted dirty.  Of course when I saw that once, I didn’t mention to the “maintenance” guys.  I pretended to be blind and cleaned behind the stove and put it back.  Here I was again, but this time besides cleaning I had to do something about it and asked the guys to fix it.

That made me think about the holes we have in our lives, our souls.  How many times we don’t want to face our own brokenness? Or maybe when something inside us breaks while cleaning, we find this huge mess that only could be seen it if we have removed something. 

Sometimes we see that “thing” and don’t want to bother to mention to anyone to help us fix it.  We know it is there, but we are too “lazy” to get help to fix it.  So we close our eyes to the “problem” and go on with our lives.  However, if another breaks come, we will have to face that “thing” again and deal with it.  Should we close our eyes again, or should we let someone come and help to fix it? 

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10: 10b)